Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Please Vote!

I'm not one to push my political views on anyone and I'm not starting today. But if you are disgusted by the state of our state and its financial insolvency and ethical bankruptcy, please get out and vote. Get your mother, sister, husband and friends and vote.

The Chicago Tribune's Editorial stated it well: "George Ryan, Rod Blagojevich. Job creation 48th in the U.S. Public education spending 18th, but public education performance 38th." These are reasons enough to get your butt off the couch and VOTE!  Arm yourself with information (if you haven't already). There are resources out there to help you. DON'T rely on the TV ads you hear constantly to pick your candidates. I found good information on Congressional and Judicial candidates at www.pioneerlocal.com as well as candidates positions on issues at www.illinoisfamily.org. Whatever sources you choose, make your vote an educated one.

1 comment:

  1. I did get out and Vote and I just hope that Washington got the message!
