Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Please Vote!

I'm not one to push my political views on anyone and I'm not starting today. But if you are disgusted by the state of our state and its financial insolvency and ethical bankruptcy, please get out and vote. Get your mother, sister, husband and friends and vote.

The Chicago Tribune's Editorial stated it well: "George Ryan, Rod Blagojevich. Job creation 48th in the U.S. Public education spending 18th, but public education performance 38th." These are reasons enough to get your butt off the couch and VOTE!  Arm yourself with information (if you haven't already). There are resources out there to help you. DON'T rely on the TV ads you hear constantly to pick your candidates. I found good information on Congressional and Judicial candidates at www.pioneerlocal.com as well as candidates positions on issues at www.illinoisfamily.org. Whatever sources you choose, make your vote an educated one.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Looking for A Day Trip?

Try Starved Rock State Park. I did, just the other weekend when it was about 70 degrees and my boys were finally done with their fall baseball leagues. I thought, "What's a good outing with the kids on a beautiful, autumn day?" One of the prerequisites.... it had to be cheap. So I packed a bunch of sandwiches, the hubby and the three kids (one a grumbling teenager) in the minivan and drove the 1 1/2 hour ride to what is the biggest tourist attraction in north central Illinois. The park is located near 1-80 and I-39 in Utica, IL and best of all offers free entrance and free parking.

Bring your hiking shoes as the park in nestled within 2,630 acres of lush forest. There are many trails to choose from and if you go in early spring or after heavy rains, there are stunning waterfalls in the 18 canyons.  Although we enjoyed the hiking, there are also boat trips along the Illinois River, horseback riding, camping and fishing as well as cross country skiing in the winter. You can even bring your pooch along, although we opted out because our Collie and Pug bark at EVERYTHING including planes, moving leaves and other dogs.

We spent the better part of the day there and only spent money at an ice cream shop on the way out of town. It was a great way to spend the day with the family and get some fresh air. The cranky teenager wouldn't admit it, but I think he secretly enjoyed it as well.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Help With Your Mortgage

Many people don't realize the amount of help out there available to assist homeowners in these financially difficult times. Even if you are not immediately at risk of foreclosure, there are many options for consumers facing income reduction, for whatever the reason. Launched in 2009, the federal government created the Making Home Affordable Program (HAMP) to assist families.
Elements of the Program:
1.  The Home Affordable Modification Program:  This program is for homeowners who are at risk of defaulting or have already missed a payment. Eligible homeowners have the opportunity to modify their mortgages to make them more affordable.
2.  The Home Affordable Refinance Program:  This program gives homeowners with loans owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac an opportunity to refinance to lower monthly payments.
3.  Foreclosure Alternative Program: Provides alternatives for homeowners who can no longer afford their home and want to avoid foreclosure through a short sale or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure.
I encourage everyone to take advantage of the programs out there. You can find more info at www.MakingHomeAffordable.gov, www.hud.gov, www.nw.org, and www.illinoislegalaid.org. These websites have loads of information and phone numbers for help.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What Homeowners Are Looking For

According to a panel at the 2010 Internatioanl Builders show, homeowners are looking for:
1. Smaller Homes (With open concept floor plans)
2. Energy Efficient Appliances
3. More Natural Light
4. Outdoor Living Area With Private Backyard
5. Eat-In, Partially Separated Kitchen
6. Guest Bedroom and Bath
7. A Home Office That Multi-Tasks
8. Improved Home Electronics (Smart phones that can be connected    alarm systems, security camaras etc.)
9. Large Three-Car Garage
                                                     10.  A Low Maintenance Exterior

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Money Magazine's "100 Best Places to Live"

Four Illinois towns made Money Magazine's "100 Best Places to Live" list. Bolingbrook (#43), Naperville (#54), Mt. Prospect (#56) and Arlington Heights (#59). Towns were chosen based on their healthy job markets, excellent schools, safe neighborhoods, low crime rate, recreational opportunities, charm and other attributes that make them ideal places to call home. That's great for residents who live in these areas and also for those who are looking to buy and live in these towns.  It's also a great accomplishment, considering all the great towns in this nation!